1) Many thousands of people took _____ in the charity event. a) off b) place c) part d) up 2) Winning the European Cup was our greatest _____. a) act b) achievement c) effort d) attempt 3) It is believed that sports help us to _____. a) calm b) ease c) rest d) relax 4) People under the age of 18 won't be ____ to the club. a) permitted b) admitted c) let d) agreed 5) It was a great ____ that we didn't get to the finals, but at least we can say we did our best. a) failure b) regret c) loss d) disappointment 6) Americans spend more than 100 hours _____ to work each year, according to research. a) moving b) commuting c) reaching d) attaining 7) They're going on a/an _____ of Europe, starting in France and ending in Finland. a) journey b) expedition c) tour d) travel 8) Get plenty of sleep because we're going to set ____ early in the morning. a) off b) in c) up d) on 9) I wish the seats on airplanes were more _____. I'm getting backache. a) convenient b) relaxing c) comfortable d) restful 10) If you get ____ at the next stop, you'll see the museum on your right.  a) in b) on c) up d) off 11) The film is being shot on _____ in Tijuana, Mexico. a) place b) position c) location d) destination 12) Cate Blanchett's _____ of Queen Elizabeth in "The Golden Age" was outstanding. a) portrayal b) role c) image d) character 13) Some of Britain's most successful actors will be _____ in the play. a) staging b) performing c) directing d) producing 14) The magician obviously has a lot of ______ but I think he needs some new tricks. a) talent b) genius c) brilliance d) gift 15) The team were expecting a lot of ______ for their last game of the season. a) spectators b) onlookers c) viewers d) audiences 16) The new leisure centre has excellent sports ______. a) resources b) facilities c) conveniences  d) appliances 17) The game will be ______ for an hour because the other team is stuck in traffic. a) cancelled b) suspended c) postponed d) transferred 18) You need to have lots of ______ and be able to take criticism if you want to become a top sportsman. a) discipline b) attitude c) manner d) thoughts 19) Could you tell me what time the plane to Nicosia ______, please? a) goes up b) takes up c) goes off d) takes off 20) I preferred the first ______ of this film rather than the remake. a) variation b) type c) version d) interpretation 21) She isn't as ______ Jenny. a) fastest b) faster than c) fast as d) fast like 22) I'm sorry, but the manager ______ to another customer right now. Is there anything I can help you with? a) talks b) is talking c) has been talking d) talked 23) I'm going on a month-long holiday to the Carribean! ______? Bet you are so excited! a) Did you really? b) Have you really? c) Are you really? d) Can you really? 24) "I'm very confident ______ our chances of getting the cup considering our recent performances!" said Sir Alex. a) on b) in c) with d) about 25) He got off the tube at Waterloo Station ______ his cousin was waiting for him. a) that b) where c) which d) why 26) We ______ the movie when, suddenly, there was a power cut at the most exciting moment. a) watched b) were watching c) had watched d) had been watching 27) Eric and Dan ______ two tickets for the rock festival yesterday. a) bought b) buyed c) had bought d) were buying 28) It's far ______ to travel by bus than it is by car. a) more expensive b) as expensive c) less expensive d) most expensive 29) Chris ______ playing for two hours now, he needs a rest! a) was b) had been c) has been d) will 30) When you arrive at the Pyramids, you will be met by a local guide ______ will show you around the site. a) which b) where c) whose d) who 31) I'm sorry, sir, you're too late. The bus ______ twenty minutes ago. a) left b) had left c) was left d) had been left 32) I think it's ______ to read a book than watch a movie. a) well b) good c) better d) best 33) Jane is tired because she ______ on her computer all morning. a) works b) worked c) has been working d) is working 34) They ______ to meet up with old friends next weekend. a) will b) are going to c) go d) went 35) Jimmy doesn't like sailing at all! Oh, I can see that. He ______ he's going to be sick. a) looking like b) look like c) looking as if d) looks as if 36) To be honest, I'm not ______ on documentaries. I prefer comedies! a) good b) keen c) eager d) enthusiastic 37) It's 46 С today. This is ______ weather we've ever experienced. a) hot b) hotter c) the hottest d) hottest 38) Ann and Peter ______ of the hotel when a man approached them. a) were checking out b) checking out c) checked out d) had been checking out 39) Katie ______ every time we play a game of badminton. a) winning b) is winning c) wins d) has been winning 40) She's obsessed ______ Johnny Depp - she has posters of him all over the walls! a) with b) of c) after d) about 41) - What is the _____ of this stadium? - 10,000 people. a) skill b) capacity c) ability d) possibility 42) I'm always on a _____ budget when I travel. a) tight b) expensive c) huge d) small 43) I _____ through the narrow streets a) creeped b) tripped c) wandered d) marched 44) I think I will always _____ the memories of our wedding day. a) value b) remember c) cherish d) appreciate 45) His support will be _____ for this project. a) good b) essential c) unnecessary d) extra 46) - Why is everyone so obsessed with him? - He's famous _____ his songs. a) of b) because of c) from d) for


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