A good friend shouldn't be against it. (use MIND), I wouldn't recommend it. (Give synonym) , He told that Bobby killed Vanessa. He ... Bobby in murder!, Oh it` s 10 000 bucks, I can't ... it - it is way too expensive!, I saw a poor man on the street ... for money - I gave him some 5 bucks., How long will you say that you didn't kill Vanessa and ... that you are guilty? (not to agree/accept the fact), Bobby will ... in prison any way. (will finish), Bobby offered the policemen a lot of money to make him free, but nothing could ... the policemen., "We are poor Vanessa", told her father, "I ... that you accept Bobby`s offer to marry. (I strongly believe this is right and highly recommend it), Don't stop = ..., When Vanessa`s granny (she was 100 years old - a ...) learned that she was killed - she promised to revenge., To become a pensioner = to ..., Santiago GOT a lot of money and houses from his dad who died last week. (When sb dies, another person may ... sth from that dead guy)., "Now, when Vanessa is killed, will you ...?" (change house), "I didn't know that Pamela ... with Salvatore" (ended romantic relationships), "My love, you should be very ... (=careful) when you pass the Iraqi border.", He is so ... - always does sth, always active..., Hey, those Chinese guys aren't ... - don't trust them., He always brags about how handsome, smart and amazing he is - what a ... personality!, When you don't like someone - you ... them., Who is the most bad-mannered person you've ever met?, Should women be thick-skinned in the modern world? , Is being well-behaved always good?.

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