True: The pituitary gland hangs from the underside of the brain, Oestrogen is responsible for the proliferation of the endometrial cell lining., LH stands for luteinising hormone., FSH promotes sperm production in seminiferous tubules., Interstitial cells produce testosterone, ICSH stimulates sperm production, The prostate gland secretes a milky fluid containing enzymes, Seminal vesicles secrete a viscous fluid containing fructose, A follicle surrounds a developing ovum, Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum, Negative feedback controls sperm production, The pituitary gland releases FSH and LH in females., Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct., FSH stands for follicle-stimulating hormone., Progesterone is responsible for vascularisation of the endometrium lining., False: Sperm production is influenced by LH, The pituitary gland to release FSH and ICSH in females, Corpus luteum produces testosterone, LH causes the interstitial cells to release testosterone., The endometrium is the testes lining, Sperm are made in the follicle, The hypothalamus is a small structure found at the very top of the brain, The prostrate gland secretes a viscous fluid containing fructose, Seminal vesicles are found inside the seminiferous tubules, Prostaglandins are secreted by the corpus luteum, Females are continuously fertile, FSH and Oestrogen are responsible for vascularisation of the endometrium lining., Testosterone stimulates oestrogen production., ICSH and LH are released in males, Releaser hormones from the reproductive organs are responsible for triggering puberty.,
Gamete Formation & Hormonal Control of Reproduction
Gamete Formation
Higher Human
Hormonal Control
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