1) It is okay to play with matches or lighters.  a) True b) False 2) Playing with outlets is safe. a) True b) False 3) It is safe to play near fireplaces, ovens, or stoves. a) True b) False 4) What does a smoke alarm do? a) It warns you when there is a fire.  b) It plays music.  5) What should you do if you hear a fire alarm at school?  a) Run! b) Stop what you are doing and listen to your teacher's instructions.  6) If your clothes catch on fire, what should you do?  a) Panic. b) Stop, Drop, and Roll. 7) What should you do if there is a fire at home?  a) Stay inside and hide. b) Go outside and get help!  8) If you see smoke, what should you do?  a) Get low and crawl under the smoke. b) Walk through the smoke. 9) It is safe to go back inside a burning building to get your video games.  a) No. Never go back inside a burning building.  b) Yes! 10) After you are outside and safe, what should you do?  a) Call for help. b) Stand close to the burning building. 11) What can you do with your family to stay safe in case of a fire? a) Create a fire escape plan b) Run towards a fire 12) You should set an outside meeting place for you and your family in case of a fire. a) True b) False 13)  You should take all your stuff outside if there is a fire.  a) True b) False 14) You should review and practice your fire escape plan with your family.  a) Yes! b) Never. 15) If you see a fire, you should call 9-1-1 or tell an adult.  a) Correct b) Incorrect

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