Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?, What is your name?, Have you used any other names?, Do you want to legally change your name?, What is your race?, What color are your eyes?, What is your mother’s name?, Is your mother or father a U.S. citizen?, How many children do you have?, Are you currently single, married, divorced, or widowed?, What is the name of your current spouse?, What is your spouse’s country of citizenship or nationality?, How long have you had your green card (permanent resident card)?, How many times have you left the United States since you became a green card holder/permanent resident?, What were the reasons you needed to take trips abroad?, Where else have you lived in the past five (or three) years?, Where do you currently work?, Where else have you worked in the past five (or three) years?, Do you owe any taxes to the federal government or to a state or local government?, Where did you last attend school?.

Application Questions



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