Porter, a scarecrow, was in a ____. Flora looked up as clouds ____ in the sky. “A ____ is on the way,” she warned ____. When there was a big ____, birds of all ____ went into the ____. Porter’s ____ was to scare off the crows and storks. Flora ____ picking up stuff from the ____. First, she cleared the ____. Then, she cleared the ____ off the ____. And then, she ____ her ____ stuff in the shed. Soon, ____ clouds blocked the Sun. Huge drops of rain ____ down on ____. The rain poured into the ____. It ran like a ____ through the ____ floor. “This is a big ____,” Porter groaned. The gusts of wind ____. Crows ____ in the wind. ____ ____ in the wind. Soon, wet ____ were all over the yard! The Sun came out an ____ ____. ____ put the chairs back on the ____. ____ opened the ____ to the shed. She put her ____ stuff back in the ____. Porter ____ to his ____. He yelled with a large ____. The wet crows and ____ soared out of the yard!

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