1) Contrast early scribbling with mock writing. 2) What is manuscript writing? 3) Why is manuscript writing not taught formally in the preschool setting? 4) List three objectives for encouraging writing in preschool. 5) In order to meet these objectives, what four things must the teacher provide to each child? 6) What two activities should be provided to encourage children to build skills in manuscript writing? 7) What are the main differences among writing systems? 8) Why should lined paper be avoided for young children’s writing activities? 9) How large should lowercase letters be in relation to uppercase letters? 10) What is another name for uppercase letters? 11) What are reversals? 12) What is likely to happen when a child becomes tired while practicing writing? 13) List three items that can be placed in the writing area to encourage printing. 14) List three items that could be added to a dramatic play area to promote an interest in writing. 15) What is a documentation board?

Chapter 22 Recall and Review Questions


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