In the 1500s, europeans were - discovering and trying to take control of the Americas., The stories suggested that the Muisca - had a huge amount of gold., When they chose a new chief, they covered - him in gold and sailed him on a raft into the middle of Lake Guatavita., The chief put all the gold - into the lake as a gift for the gods., The Spanish decided to look - for the chief who they named El Dorado., Many people looked for - El Dorado over the centuries., On his 2nd expedition Sir Walter Raleigh fought - a battle with the Spanish., The British king was unhappy about this - conflict and executed Raleigh on his return., The German explorer disproved - the existence of this site., After hundreds of failed - expeditions, people finally realised that El Dorado never existed., "Looking for El Dorado" means - to go on a hopeless quest.,

OI2 U2 History - The legend of El Dorado.


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