on the step, in the stem , Shhhh! Don't wake the sloth! Get 5. , snap it, You woke the sloth! Lose 1. , It can slip. , Stop his bus. , Shhhh! Don't wake the sloth! Get 5. , Step on the rug. , Shhhh! Don't wake the sloth! Get 5., Sped in the van. , Stan got a tux. , Shhhh! Don't wake the sloth! Get 5., Spin the top. , swim and swim , You woke the sloth! Lose 1., snip the stem, with a big sled, snug in the rug, You woke the sloth! Lose 1., They stop at the step. , They spot a yak. , They slam the red van. , a slot for the box, They sped in the cab. .

Don't Wake the Sloth! game: s-blend Phrases and Sentences



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