They don't like Geography. They aren't good at ____. I want to play table tennis. Can you play with ____? Swimming isn't easy, but it's good for ____. My new football is nice. I like ____! Tina likes eating vegetables. They are goood for ____. This is my little brother Makar. I like playing with ____. My dad drinks a lot of water. It's good for ____. They watch TV a lot. It isn't good for ____. I like eating pizza. It isn't good for ____. My mum helps ____ with my homework. He is thirsty. Can you give ____ a glass of water, please? My friends play in the park every day. I like playing with ____. My little sister likes drinking milk. It's good for ____. We are going to the swimming pool. Come with ____!

Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 9. Object pronouns


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