1) YATAKTAN KALKMAK a) get up b) brush teeth c) go to school d) have a rest 2) KAHVALTI YAPMAK a) have dinner b) have lunch c) have breakfast d) have a snack 3) GİYİNMEK a) get ready b) get on the bus c) get dressed d) get excited 4) ÖĞLE YEMEĞİ YEMEK a) have breakfast b) have lunch c) have dinner d) have a snack 5) DİNLENMEK a) have a rest b) celebrate c) prepare d) learn 6) (ARKADAŞLARLA) BULUŞMAK a) take a nap b) take course c) visit d) meet 7) (ETKİNLİĞE, PARTİYE) KATILMAK a) write b) attend c) carry d) search 8) EV ÖDEVİNİ BİTİRMEK a) do homework b) ask homework c) finish homework d) write homework 9) PAYLAŞMAK a) share b) visit c) attend d) borrow 10) TARİH a) place b) guest c) date d) time 11) DİKKATLİCE a) slowly b) happily c) carefully d) finally 12) KESTİRMEK a) take a photo b) take a course c) take care d) take a nap 13) ZİYARET ETMEK a) attend b) arrive c) visit d) meet 14) I get up ....... 7 o'clock in the mornings. a) at b) in c) on d) from 15) I play football ....... Sundays. a) on b) in c) from d) at 16) What time is it?  a) It is one o'clock. b) It is two o'clock. c) It is ten o'clock. d) It is five o'clock. 17) What time is it? a) It is twenty past six. b) It is six o'clock. c) It is a quarter past six. d) It is half past six. 18) What time is it? a) It is a quarter past nine. b) It is half past nine. c) It is a quarter to ten. d) It is a quarter past ten. 19) OKULDAN AYRILMAK, OKULDAN ÇIKMAK a) go to school b) arrive at school c) meet at school d) leave school 20) What time is it? a) It is seven past ten. b) It is half past seven c) It is twenty past seven. d) It is twenty to seven. 21) After school, I usually .................... because I feel very tired. a) play football b) have a rest c) do homework d) visit my grandparents 22) What do you do in the evenings? a) I have breakfast. b) I go to school. c) I watch TV. d) I get up early. 23) What time is it? a) It is four o'clock. b) It is half past four. c) It is ten past four. d) It is a quarter past four. 24) GÜNLÜK YAZMAK a) write a poem b) write a story c) write diary d) write song 25) What does Joe do after school? a) He visits his grandparents b) He does his homework. c) He plays computer games. d) He takes a nap. 26) Circle the wrong one. (Yanlış eşleşmeyi işaretleyiniz.) a) do homework b) get on the bus c) have a snack d) rest 27) KUTLAMAK a) celebrate b) borrow c) ask d) run errands 28) TAŞIMAK a) find b) search c) carry d) take course 29) SABIRLI a) healthy b) friendly c) helpful d) patient 30) HAFTA SONU a) weekdays b) weekend c) at noon d) in the morning



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