1) Name the British Values a) Democracy b) Individual Liberty c) Rule of Law d) Socialism e) Mutual Respect and Tolerance 2) Which TAB would I click on to upload a picture in Word? a) Home Tab b) Design Tab c) Picture Tools Tab d) Insert Tab e) View Tab 3) Another word for RETURN key a) print b) backspace c) enter d) shift e) page up 4) Who can I tell if I'm being bullied? a) Mum b) Safeguarding officer c) Facebook d) Best friend e) Tutor 5) What is an icon? a) a pictogram b) an inserted picture c) a function d) small pictures on screen that perform a function 6) This method makes me have extreme views a) debating b) radicalisation c) socialising d) extremism 7) How can I check my work for errors? a) print b) run a spellcheck c) by saving to my folder d) highlighting all data e) proofread 8) What do I need to do to be able to change the font style? a) Delete my work and start again b) Highlight text that needs changing c) Click here 9) Which is NOT an output device? a) keyboard b) headset c) usb stick d) monitor 10) To move an image, what do I need to apply? a) page border b) text blanket c) correct alignment d) text wrap e) correct font 11) Before I close my work, what must I do? a) print b) tell my tutor c) check my work for errors d) save my work 12) Identify which is hardware a) monitor b) keyboard c) mouse d) internet browser e) Microsoft Word f) printer 13) Which is LOWERCASE? a) b) 14) What is UPPERCASE also known as? a) A Word b) Capital Letter c) A BIG Letter 15) How do I add an HEADER or a FOOTER? a) Double click in the header or footer area b) Print the document and handwrite c) Click on Insert Tab d) Go to my FILE Tab 16) Which is a STRONG Password a) Date of Birth b) A mixture of letters in uppercase and lowercase, numbers and symbols c) @mY/Pas$W0&d3* d) To include personal information e) Use a LONG password 17) When is a GOOD time to change your password? a) You logged into an account on a SHARED or PUBLIC network, such as a bus b) Unauthorised access to your device or accounts c) It's been a year or more since I last changed it d) I haven't used that account for several weeks 18) What is HACKING? a) Unauthorised access to a computer b) Using social media c) To illegally control a network security system d) Breaking into a computer system 19) What does anti-virus software do? a) Prevent, detect and remove Malware b) Stops Ransomware c) Gives remote access to your device d) Prevents Worms e) Protects against Phishing 20) How can I stay safe online? a) Install anti-virus software b) Use only secure sites c) Meet up with people you meet online d) Don't post any personal information e) Use automatic update f) Never click on an unknown link

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