No Chance : an alien will visit school this afternoon, it will be 8am in three hours time, tomorrow will be Friday, 0, Unlikely: It will snow later today, I will have chips for my tea tonight, I will go to the cinema, 0.25, I will give Year 6 homework tonight., Evens: The next person to walk into the class will be a girl, I pick out a 'red' card from a pack of cards., 0.5, Likely: I will eat a piece of fruit today., I will practice for the tests today, 0.75, It will rain today, we will use our whiteboards today., Certain: Tomorrow will be Wednesday, There will be a general election on Thursday 7th May, French bread pizza will be served at lunchtime., 1, There are only three weeks left until half term, The National Tests start this week in Wales,

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