proton - has a positive charge, neutron - has NO electrical charge, electron - has a negative charge, atom - smallest part of an element, shells / cloud / energy levels - where electrons are found racing around the nucleus, nucleus - Most,Mass,Middle...where protons & neutrons are found, matter - what everything is made up of;has mass & takes up space, gases - particles are hyper & bounce all over, liquids - particles are loose but can slide around, solids - particles are packed tightly, particle theory - idea that all matter is made of atoms, empty space - atoms are mostly, element - matter made of 1 kind of atom; can be found on the periodic table, center of the atom - nucleus/core, atomic number - At the TOP tells the # of PROtons, atomic Mass - Is MORE b/c it's got 2 parts...Protons and neutrons, How many protons does Silicon have? - 14,

Atoms and Matter



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