Birdie is talking on the phone., The batter is hitting the ball with a broomstick (bat)., A pig is among the spectators watching the game., A man is standing on his head., The bowling ball is in the box for baseball balls., A horse is playing baseball., One of the players is mowing the lawn., The baseball has a square shape., The coach is wearing a funny hat., He is wearing his cap on the wrong side., Third base is a tic-tac-toe board., One player is riding a bike., A cow is eating grass in the outfield., This glove is not for baseball, it's for the kitchen., An elephant is playing baseball., A man is watching the game sitting backwards., A hot-dog stand is on the field., The player is standing on a bale of hay., A player is having a swim in a swimming pool., The beach ball is in the game., One player is playing the trombone., One player is sleeping., A dog is running after a player., The bat has a doughnut on it..

What's wrong at the baseball game?



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