1) выступление, игра (актеров) a) art museum b) to have fun c) acting d) brochure 2) на выходных a) at the weekend b) acting c) to be good at d) a present  3) выдающийся a) to go windsurfing b) brilliant c) acting d) to print 4) брошюра, проспект a) to present  b) to be fond of c) brilliant d) brochure 5) листовка, буклет a) brilliant b) leaflet c) photography d) to have fun 6) учиться, узнавать a) to paint b) to learn - learnt - learnt c) to be keen on d) novel 7) роман a) to present  b) to be good at c) to go windsurfing d) novel 8) рисовать a) to paint b) leaflet c) to join a club d) to have fun 9) фотография a) tiring b) to be keen on c) go cycling d) photography 10) дарить a) to go windsurfing b) to go on trips c) to present  d) brilliant 11) noдарок a) at the weekend b) a present  c) leaflet d) to be mad about 12) печатать, распечатывать a) tiring b) to paint c) to print d) to go windsurfing 13) утомительный a) brilliant b) to be good at c) tiring d) to present  14) художественный музей a) art museum b) to go on trips c) tiring d) to be fond of 15) преуспевать в чем-то a) to be good at b) to paint c) brilliant d) to be mad about 16) любить что-то a) to be fond of b) let the good times rock c) a present  d) to present  17) быть увлечённым чем-либо a) novel b) to be interested in c) go cycling d) to be keen on 18) сходить с ума a) to learn - learnt - learnt b) to be mad about c) to go on trips d) to join a club 19) интересоваться чем-то a) to present  b) to paint c) to be keen on d) to be interested in 20) кататься на велосипеде a) to present  b) go cycling c) to go on trips d) to join a club 21) совершать поездки a) brilliant b) brochure c) to go on trips d) to paint 22) заниматься виндсерфингом a) brochure b) at the weekend c) go cycling d) to go windsurfing 23) веселиться a) to be mad about b) to have fun c) brochure d) to learn - learnt - learnt 24) вступать в клуб a) to be interested in b) to join a club c) novel d) brochure 25) давай хорошо повеселимся a) let the good times rock b) to join a club c) brochure d) tiring

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