1) the end of a piece of writing a) introduction b) conclusion c) body d) START Statement 2) the beginning of a TDA-contains START statement and answer a) introduction b) body c) conclusion d) cite 3) the part of a TDA that contains the main ideas, cites, and explains a) introduction b) body c) conclusion d) START Statement 4) to think deeply about something a) essay b) text c) dependent d) analyze 5) What is a TDA? a) writing that depends on the text b) a narrative c) a short story d) a book 6) Which is an example of a CITE sentence starter? a) According to the text... b) This proves... c) This shows... d) I can infer... 7) Which is an example of an EXPLAIN sentence starter? a) On page ____, it says... b) The author states... c) This proves... d) According to the text... 8) Which group of words contains transition words? a) happy, sad, excited b) first, second, third, last c) up, down, left, right d) where, when, why 9) What is a cite? a) evidence from the text that supports your answer b) your own thinking c) an inference d) the title of the passage 10) What is an explain? a) evidence from the text that supports your answer b) quotes from the text c) your own thinking from your brain d) an answer to the prompt 11) What are the 5 parts of the START Statement in order? a) source, title, audience, right verb, topic b) source, topic, author, right verb, and title c) same, topic, as, readers, tell d) source, title, author, right verb, and topic 12) What are some examples of RIGHT VERBS? a) says and tells b) introduces, explains, describes c) said, told, were d) models, and says 13) What is the job of the main ideas in a TDA? a) cite evidence b) explain the answer c) give a preview of the upcoming paragraph d) bring the TDA to a close 14) What do we need in a conclusion? a) summary of main ideas and ending sentence b) all new ideas that we haven't written about c) cite evidence d) START Statement 15) What are the three main parts of every prompt? a) there aren't three parts b) topic, topic, question c) topic, hidden question, cite evidence d) topic, summary, question

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