anterior - toward or at the front of the body, posterior - toward or at the back of the body, lateral - away from the midline of the body, medial - toward or at the midline of the body, distal - farther away from the origin of a body part or from point of attachment, proximal - closer to the origin of a body part or point of attachment, anatomy - the study of the structure of body parts, physiology - the study of the function of body parts, inferior - away from the head or toward the lower part of the body, superior - toward the head or upper part of the body, intermediate - between a more medial and more lateral structure, frontal plane - divides the body into anterior and posterior portions, sagittal plane - divides the body into right and left halves, transverse plane - divides the body into upper and lower halves, anatomical position - Feet shoulder width apart, palms facing outward, superficial - toward or at the surface of the body, deep - away from the surface of the body; more internal, supine - lying flat on back with face upward., prone - lying flat on chest with face downward., right lateral recumbent - lying on one’s right side., left lateral recumbent - lying on one’s left side.,

Body Planes and Directional Terms



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