1) Michelle wants to go to the mall, and she has to do her homework. a) but  b) so c) nor d) No change 2) Mom bought lettuce nor tomatoes for the salad. a) for b) and c) but d) No change 3) Jenna does not like pink, nor does she like purple. a) yet b) so c) or d) No change 4) Mr. Douglas broke two of his bones, so he will not tennis. a) nor b) but c) and d) No change 5) We usually like the same foods, so she likes hamburgers and I like cheeseburgers. a) but b) and  c) or d) No change 6) Tyler is a vegetarian, and he can't eat meat. a) so b) but c) or d) No change 7) I was hungry, but I ate a snack. a) or b) so c) for d) No change 8) Lana and I went to the park, and we played on the monkey bars. a) but b) nor c) or d) No change 9) Do you want to eat at home, for would you prefer to eat out? a) yet b) or c) but d) No change 10) George always wanted a dog, yet he decided to buy a pet fish. a) for b) and c) nor d) No change



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