diǎn cài - order food, fú wù yuán - waiter/waitress, chī fàn - eat (meal), tuī jiàn - recommend, zhāo pái cài - signature dish, zuì yǒu míng - most famous, cài dān - menu, cān tīng - restaurant, xiǎng yào - would like, suān tián jī - sour sweet chicken, yì wǎn - one bowl of, mǎi dān - pay bill ( in restaurant), xiǎo fèi - tip, chén pí jī - orange chicken, bēi zi - cup, wǎn - bowl, pán zi - plate, duō shǎo qián - how much money, méng gǔ niú - Mongolian beef, gěi - give, zhōng guó cài - Chinese food, yào - want, gōng bǎo jī dīng - Kung Pao Chicken, huān yíng guāng lín - welcome visit, jǐ wèi - how many ( guest), yí gòng - total, yì wǎn tāng - one bowl of soup, yì pán jiǎozi - one plate of dumplings, yì bēi shuǐ - one cup of water, měi guó cài - American food,

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