Yr Ariannin - Argentina, effaith - effect, effeithiau - effects, gradd meistr - masters degree, llenyddiaeth - literature, medal - medal, medalau - medals, pencampwriaeth - championship, pencampwriaethau - championships, trafnidiaeth - transport, arfer - habit, arferion - habits, arolwg - review, survey, arolygon - reviews, surveys, blinder - tiredness, bylb - bulb, bylbiau - bulbs, canolbarth - middle part, region (mewn gwlad), cemegyn - chemical, cemegau - chemicals, cymar - partner, cynllun - plan, design, cynlluniau - plans, designs, distawrwydd - silence, dyffryn - valley, dyffrynnoedd - valleys, esboniad - explanation, esboniadau - explanations, gofod - space, goleudy - lighthouse, goleudai - lighthouses, hapusrwydd - happiness, lolipop - lollypop, lolipops - lollypops, obsesiwn - obsession, obsesiynau - obsessions, palmant - pavement, palmentydd - pavements, streiciwr - striker, streicwyr - strikers, toriad - cut, toriadau - cuts, treiglad - mutation, treigladau - mutations, undeb - union, undebau - unions, ynni - energy, ac yn y blaen - etc., adnabyddus - well-known, crand - grand, cyfoes - contemporary, cyhoeddus - public, di-Gymraeg - ddim yn siarad Cymraeg, di-ri(f) - countless, eglur - evident; clear, figan - vegan, llysieuol - vegetarian, prydferth - beautful, egluro - to explain, lansio - to launch, syrthio - to fall, treiglo - to mutate, ar lafar - spoken; orally, ar y blaen - in the lead, lawr llawr - downstairs, oddi ar - from (on); off; down from, synnwyr cyffredin - common sense, undydd - one-day, uwchben - above, yn erbyn - against, Y Wladfa - The Colony (ardal Cymraeg Patagonia),
Geirfa Uned 16, Cymraeg i Oedolion, Canolradd (De)
Adult education
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