1) Which of the following interventions would be most beneficial for a visual learner who is struggling to differentiate between DNA and RNA? a) Ask the student to compose a song about the differences between DNA and RNA molecules. b) Ask the student to build a model of the DNA molecule and label the parts that would be different in an RNA molecule. c) Ask the student to color a picture of the DNA molecule and RNA molecule. Ask the student to highlight the differences. d) Ask the student to watch a documentary over the discovery of the DNA molecule. 2) A third-grade student with a degenerative neurological disorder and dysphagia requires an adult to assist with feedings. Which of the following would be most important for a special education teacher to know? a) how much liquids and solids a student consumes at home b) what type of consistency a student's food and liquids should be c) can the student hold utensils on their own d) what kinds of foods and liquids a student prefers to consume 3) Which of the following conditions is most commonly associated with the category of "other health impairment"? a) ADHD b) dyslexia c) stuttering d) cerebral palsy 4) A middle school science teacher is establishing routines and procedures on the first day of school. She has students work in assigned small groups to decide what procedures are important for a successful learning environment. First they discuss what made their favorite class from last year successful and then they decide what procedures to include for this year. When they share as a whole group, the teacher praises students who raise their hand to contribute. What type of learning theory is the teacher reinforcing when having students reflect on the previous year? a) constructivism b) deconstructivism c) cognitivism d) behaviorism 5) A student was recently found to be eligible for having an emotional disability. The parents disagree with the eligibility determination and feel that the evaluation was not comprehensive. What may the parents requests if they disagree with the school's evaluation? a) an independent educational evaluation b) a review of records by another psychologist c) an interim alternative educational setting d) a manifestation determination 6) When thinking about Extended School Year (ESY) or summer school for a student with severe learning disabilities, the IEP committee must consider which of the following? a) the parents' need for a summer program b) the teacher's desire to have continuous contact with the student c) student behavior d) substantial regression proved with data evidence 7) During social studies instruction, the teacher periodically asks the students to spend a few minutes and write in their journals on the information just discussed. What type of assessment is being used in this social studies class? a) informal b) self c) summative d) formative 8) Which of the following is a major disability category that is recommended under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)? a) vision impairment b) cerebral palsy c) speech apraxia d) dyslexia 9) A seventh-grade student in Exceptional Student Education (ESE) with a disability in the area of autism scored at the 10th percentile in reading fluency when a diagnostic assessment was administered. What conclusion can be made from this information? a) The student is reading on a 10th-grade level. b) The student scored 10% on the assessment. c) The student is reading in the top 10th percentile of same-aged peers. d) The student has a reading fluency rate that is higher than 10% of same-aged peers. 10) Which type of assessment allows students to show their thinking and allows the teacher to analyze their cognitive process through feedback, observations, and discussions? a) standardized b) norm-referenced c) criterion-based d) formative 11) A teacher who identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each student, designs instruction according to students' areas of need, uses varying instructional strategies according to each students' needs, and develops custom learning paths for each of the students is using: a) flipped classroom. b) diagnostic-prescriptive method. c) inquiry-based learning. d) cooperative learning. 12) A student has a mild hearing impairment and uses an FM system. An anticipated result of the use of the FM system is: a) increased access to academic information. b) improved grades in each class. c) that the other students will be able to hear better in addition to the student with the mild hearing impairment. d) an eventual release from the need for the FM system. 13) What type of assistive technology could help a third-grade student who has dyslexia and, therefore, difficulty reading?Select all answers that apply.Select all answers that apply. a) computer keyboard b) audiobooks c) smartboard screen d) special switches 14) A second-grade student has limited use of his fingers and struggles to grasp a pencil for long amounts of time. Which of the following accommodations would be most appropriate for the student? a) providing a slant board for writing b) providing a paper with raised lines c) providing a word processor for typing d) providing an adaptive pencil with a pencil grip 15) Which assistive technology would help a student with a specific learning disability in the area of writing? a) a raised desk b) speech-to-text software c) a communication board d) text-to-speech software 16) Which characteristic below is common for students who have autism? a) being withdrawn b) strength in independent reading c) affinity for building with objects d) excelling at math 17) Which of the following teaching strategies would provide the best opportunity for differentiated instruction of preschool students? a) whole group instruction b) small group instruction by separating students according to the first letter of their names c) mixed groupings by having the preschool class join the kindergarten class d) center-based independent practice 18) Which of the following statements about Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) is accurate? a) Students with IFSPs automatically transition to IEPs. b) Students with IFSPs have transition meetings to consider re-evaluation and transition to school age services. c) Students with IFSPs must be identified as having intellectual disabilities upon entering kindergarten. d) Students with IFSPs must receive both special education and related services. 19) The core qualities of life that should be considered when determining to program for students with severe disabilities are emotional, physical, material well-being, human rights, and: a) money management. b) constitutional rights. c) independent literacy. d) social inclusion. 20) How should the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) be reflected in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP)? a) The IEP objectives should try to align as closely as possible with the appropriate TEKS. b) The IEP objectives should match the TEKS without deviation except for legally required deviation. c) The TEKS can be a substitute for an IEP. d) The IEP objectives should be developed without alignment to the TEKS. 21) Emerson is a sixth-grade student receiving special education services for dyslexia and ADHD. She is given extra time on tests and additional white space on each page. Categorize these as accommodations or modifications. a) Additional time is an accommodation while white space is a modification. b) Additional time is a modification while white space is an accommodation. c) These are both modifications. d) These are both accommodations. 22) Micah is a high school junior with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). His Individualized Education Program (IEP) includes the use of a speech-to-text device for classroom assessments and standardized assessments. This device is an example of: a) specially designed instruction. b) setting accommodation. c) modification. d) assistive technology. 23) A student with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) is entering the second semester of an honors American history course. In which of the following scenarios might this student require accommodation or specialized attention? a) An upcoming project will require students to listen to an audio clip. b) A significant change to the classroom routine is expected. c) Part of the class routine involves critical thinking puzzles. d) A difficult informational text is assigned. 24) Which of the following is the most appropriate functional math skill to teach a high school student with multiple disabilities? a) developing a budget for weekly trips to the grocery store b) solving algebraic equations c) identifying coins d) selecting ingredients to make a recipe 25) A student with a service dog will soon join a second-grade class. Which of the following activities will help the class to prepare and foster a welcoming classroom environment? a) Bring the teacher's dog to class for a day and invite students to practice interacting with the dog as though he were a service animal. b) Read a story about a service dog and watch a video clip, then discuss ways to help neighbors in the community. c) Take a field trip to an animal shelter to give students an opportunity to become familiar with animals. d) Ask the students to draw pictures of their pets. 26) Which of the following is the best strategy for providing an effective continuity to ease the transition of special education students from the elementary program to the middle school program? a) Develop an elementary program that places a heavy emphasis on acquiring mathematical skills. b) Ensure both programs implement developmentally appropriate instruction that accounts for varying differences in the students' academic ability. c) Implement instructional strategies that promote the students' critical thinking skills. d) Develop an elementary program that promotes the use of technology during instruction. 27) When student behavior interferes with the learning process, the IEP committee must consider all of the following except: a) instructional/ classroom management strategies b) private therapy plan c) positive behavior interventions d) behavioral supports 28) Students in an inclusion kindergarten classroom are learning a new procedure to pack up materials and prepare to exit the classroom for bus and car rides home. Which of the following methods would be most effective in teaching the students this procedure? a) Provide the students with multiple opportunities to practice the routine of packing up and exiting the classroom. b) Reward each student who follows the routine with a stamp. c) Give the students a homework assignment to memorize the four steps of the routine. d) Require any student who does not follow the routine to remain in class for an additional two minutes to practice following directions 29) A teacher continues to struggle to manage the behavior of a student in special education. The teacher wants to conduct a study to identify the causes of the behavior. This study is called a/an: a) functional behavioral assessment. b) full and individual evaluation. c) independent study. d) anecdotal collection of data. 30) A kindergarten student who has displayed aggression watches his peers take turns at recess. Over time, he begins playing appropriately with peers. Which of the following theoretical approaches is demonstrated in this situation? a) social learning theory b) connectivism c) cognitivism d) constructivism 31) When working with students who have mild hearing loss, a positive first intervention is to: a) give a copy of the notes to the student at the beginning of class. b) be prepared to repeat directions. c) give directions while facing the class. d) assign a peer to answer questions about directions. 32) When is a student required to be invited to his/her IEP team meeting? a) when the IEP team is conducting a manifestation determination b) when the IEP team is developing a transition plan c) when the IEP team is recommending a more restrictive setting d) when the IEP team is proposing a new goal 33) Which of the following is not required to be consulted when developing a transition plan? a) the student b) a community representative c) the parents or guardians d) current teachers 34) At what age is a child eligible to be evaluated for developmental delays that may qualify for special services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)? a) after age 2 b) after enrolling in school c) after age 3 d) from birth 35) Is the following statement true or false: If the student does not participate in the IEP committee meeting when transition services are discussed and considered, the committee does not have to consider the student's interests, preferences, and strengths. a) True, if the student misses the meeting, he gives up the ability to share his interests, preferences, and strengths b) False, the student must attend even though his interests are not an important part of the decision c) False, student preferences, interests, and strengths are critical to the design of the transition plan d) True, if the student misses the meeting, he can tell his special education teacher his requests 36) An 11th-grade student has recently started to participate in Exceptional Student Education (ESE) community-based instruction and job training at a local grocery store. The student works at the store three days per week with other students with disabilities. The students are supervised by another employee who serves as a job coach, but they do not interact with customers or other employees. This model is called a) work study b) sheltered employment c) job shadowing d) apprenticeship 37) A group of students in a middle school inclusion social studies class is demonstrating difficulty asking for help when they do not understand a question. The students will often put their heads on their desks or stare out the window until the teachers comes over to prompt them to complete work. What would be the most appropriate way to address this behavior? a) practicing ways to ask for help that include verbal and nonverbal signals b) subtracting points from the assignment whenever students are not focused on their work c) adding a poster to the bulletin board that reminds students to ask for help d) ignoring the behavior since the students will improve as they get older 38) A special education teacher is developing an end-of-unit test for her students. Which of the following considerations is most important when developing items on the test? a) Is it possible to provide accommodations during this test? b) Do the test questions adequately reflect learning objectives that were taught throughout the unit? c) Is the rigor of the test appropriate so that all students can receive high grades? d) Is the test short enough to maintain students' attention? 39) Which of the following instructional methods demonstrates a teacher's behavioral approach to student learning when teaching basic multiplication facts to a class of third-grade students? a) The teacher uses positive reinforcement such as clapping, praise, and high fives for students who answer multiplication problems correctly. b) The teacher invites students to share their opinions of the multiplication process and assesses learners through classroom observation. c) The students practice multiplication drills to increase speed and accuracy, and the teacher records their scores. d) The fifth-grade students join the third-grade class to pair up with younger students and share tips and tricks for answering multiplication problems. 40) When a child experiences a traumatic brain injury, they also often exhibit: a) scars along the hairline. b) a change in personality. c) a more even-keeled temper. d) a weepy disposition. 41) Nathan is a fifth-grade student with a specific learning disability (SLD) in math problem-solving. Which of the following supports would most likely be a beneficial addition to his IEP? a) Provide counting sticks or other manipulatives. b) Emphasize key information in word problems. c) Read all quiz and test items aloud. d) Provide a calculator. 42) A teacher is teaching an early elementary class that all animals grow and develop over time. Which of the following supports would best enhance a visual learner's ability to explain the changes during the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly? a) a pictorial diagram of using labeled arrows to indicate the changes b) a guest speaker from a butterfly museum who can talk about the changes c) an engaging story detailing the process of a caterpillar changing to a butterfly 43) Which skill below is the least valuable math skill for a student with an intellectual disability to master before they graduate high school? a) investing b) saving c) spending d) budgeting 44) Curriculum-based assessment is a valuable tool for special education teachers because the assessment: a) provides information to the teacher regarding how well the student is mastering the curriculum with the current service schedule. b) provides premade tests to the teacher to give to students at the end of every unit. c) provides information to the teacher regarding how the curriculum can be modified. d) allows the teacher to pick and choose test questions from the textbook publisher's database. 45) Multi-modality learning approaches are recommended for students with disabilities. Which of the following multi-modality approaches could be used to help elementary students learn about different types of trees and where they grow? a) Bringing small saplings or branches into the classroom and inviting students to touch and observe the trees, and then share what they have learned using Think Pair Share b) Asking students to bring photos or magazine pictures of trees to class and share where the trees grew. c) Watching a video clip of a rainforest and drawing a picture of the setting afterwards. d) Reading a news article about deforestation and asking students to answer multiple choice and essay questions. 46) A teacher who has been consistently teaching face-to-face for seven years attends a professional development conference and learns about a new way to develop blended learning instruction. After the conference, the teacher wants to try some of the new things they learned but is unsure where to start. What is the best action for the teacher to take now? a) post a question on a message board to find out if any other teachers attended the session b) wait until the conference occurs again the next year and attend more sessions about blended learning c) request assistance from a technology coach d) learn where the presenter will be presenting next and attend the session again 47) The mother of a three-year-old girl notices one of the following behaviors and believes it may be an indicator of a hearing impairment. Which behavior is the mother most concerned with? a) a lack of interaction with her other children b) consistent crying c) an inability to sit still for an extended time period d) a lack of response to her (the mother's voice) 48) A third-grade student with an intellectual disability struggles with written directions but responds well to auditory learning activities. Which of the following strategies can be used to support the student's learning style? a) use large print text b) use songs to teach key facts c) use picture prompts instead of written directions d) use non-verbal prompts 49) Children who are eligible in the area of developmental delay have a significant delay (typically defined as a 25% decrease in ability in comparison to same-aged peers) in two or more areas of development. Which of the following areas below is not an area in which a child may be identified as having a developmental delay? a) fine and gross motor skills b) cognitive skills c) social/emotional skills 50) After experiencing the tragic death of his father, Michael, a preschool student, does not verbally interact with his classmates or teacher. This is a characteristic of which of the following? a) Learning Disability–LD b) Visual Impairment–VI c) Speech Impairment–SI d) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder–ADHD 51) Which of the following classroom activities would be most difficult for a nine-year-old student who has a mild intellectual disability? a) following one-step directions b) doing math with manipulatives c) figurative language writing prompt d) using an iPod for an activity 52) Which of the following skills would be most appropriate to practice with high school students with intellectual disabilities using mock scenarios? a) exiting the building during a fire drill b) checking luggage at an airport c) greeting teachers when entering school d) making purchases using bills and coins 53) Which of the following strategies would be most effective for assimilating and training a student with a disability to be a product stocker at the school snack shop? a) Have another student work beside the student to mentor and model proper behavior. b) Train the student in a classroom setting before the student begins work. c) Have a list of tasks to be completed each day by the student. d) Have in-depth training on the duties of the job and provide a list of tasks for the student to complete. 54) An assessment that is common with young students to determine if further testing is needed is called a/an: a) observation. b) social case history survey. c) screening. d) formative assessment. 55) Which of the following is not a criterion used to determine a child eligible as having an intellectual disability? a) significant behavioral limitations b) significantly below-average academic achievement c) significant limitations in two or more adaptive skills d) significantly below-average cognitive ability 56) A teacher is preparing for an annual review IEP meeting. Which of the following assessments is most beneficial to determine current levels of academic performance? a) curriculum-based assessment b) parent observations c) current least restrictive environment (LRE) percentage d) state test scores from the previous school year 57) A fifth-grade teacher is concerned about the lack of academic achievement for one of her students. The teacher requests that the special education teacher observe and conference with her regarding appropriate instructional strategies. What is the best response that the special education teacher can offer? a) observe and recommend immediate special education services b) observe and recommend the RtI process c) observe and recommend an administrative observation d) observe and recommend an initial evaluation 58) Which of the following is a required section of all Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)? a) student work samples b) state testing accommodations c) post-secondary transition plan d) least restrictive environment 59) When a student with an emotional behavioral disability needs home and hospital teaching because of a crisis, what parts of the IEP must be changed? a) present levels, goals, and objectives b) classes, test accommodations, and modifications c) placement d) area of eligibility and consideration of special factors 60) When deciding the least restrictive environment (LRE) for a student with disabilities, what should the IEP team consider? a) frequency, location, duration, and intensity of the identified services needed by the student b) distance of base school as compared to regional program location c) the opinion of previous educators of the student d) the disability levels of the other students in the classroom 61) As the special education teacher plans for the instructional day for a student with autism, the teacher must be cognizant of all of the following except: a) number of siblings in the household b) amount of unstructured time scheduled c) the student's inclusion minutes d) amount of transition time scheduled 62) Ms. Smith taught a lesson on sight words to her students in an inclusive first-grade classroom. When she assessed the students on the three new sight words taught that day, she noticed that most of the students could only correctly identify one of three new sight words. Which of the following would be the most appropriate next step? a) Give the students the same assessment at the beginning of the next class to see if they remembered more overnight. b) Reteach the sight words the next day using new strategies and reassess students to see if they have made improvements. c) Move on to the next list of sight words so that Ms. Smith can keep up with the first grade curriculum pacing guide d) Encourage the students to practice writing their sight words at recess using sidewalk chalk. 63) The parents of a student who receives special education services are unable to attend the annual IEP in person. What is the next best alternative to having guardians attend an IEP in person? a) Guardians can preapprove any changes that might happen to the IEP. b) Guardians can attend IEPs over the phone. c) Guardians can send a doctor to attend in person on their behalf. d) Guardians can ask the teacher to text updates during the meeting to gain approval of changes/updates to the IEP. 64) A second-grade student has limited use of his fingers and struggles to grasp a pencil for long amounts of time. Which of the following accommodations would be most appropriate for the student? a) providing a slant board for writing b) providing a paper with raised lines c) providing a word processor for typing d) providing an adaptive pencil with a pencil grip 65) Micah is a high school junior with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). His Individualized Education Program (IEP) includes the use of a speech-to-text device for classroom assessments and standardized assessments. This device is an example of: a) assistive technology. b) modification. c) setting accommodation. d) specially designed instruction. 66) A student has a mild hearing impairment and uses an FM system. An anticipated result of the use of the FM system is: a) improved grades in each class. b) that the other students will be able to hear better in addition to the student with the mild hearing impairment. c) an eventual release from the need for the FM system. d) increased access to academic information. 67) Which of the following is an appropriate functional skill to teach a student in elementary school who has a moderate intellectual disability? a) counting money b) filling out a job application c) spelling multisyllabic words d) using a long cane for travel 68) An Individual Education Plan that involves vocational preparation usually requires agreement by all parties below except a: a) general education teacher. b) community representative. c) special education teacher. d) Guardian. 69) A curriculum that focuses on teaching academic and social skills, utilizes therapeutic and behavioral strategies, and provides support during transitional activities is most likely used with students with: a) learning disabilities. b) emotional disabilities. c) cognitive disabilities. d) physical disabilities. 70) Marcus is an 8-year-old student who reads below grade level and struggles to communicate effectively with peers and adults. He exhibits self-soothing behaviors, including hand-flapping and spinning. Marcus's parents report that he was late meeting several verbal milestones and that he tends to become immersed in singular areas of interest. These traits are most likely related to a diagnosis of: a) visual impairment b) dyslexia c) autism spectrum disorder (ASD) d) specific learning disability (SLD) 71) Ashley is a first-grade student with cerebral palsy and fine motor deficits. She is learning to write her name with help from her special education teacher and the occupational therapist. Which of the following accommodations would best support Ashley when practicing writing her name? a) an enlarged print alphabet list taped to her desk b) a pencil grip and slant board c) a speech-to-text device d) a mnemonic strategy to remind her of the letters in her name 72) Which of the following scenarios could be most effectively addressed by conducting a task analysis for a kindergarten student with Down syndrome? a) greeting a peer at recess b) demonstrating appropriate communication skills during the school day c) purchasing lunch in the cafeteria and sitting at a table to eat with peers d) sharpening a pencil 73) Which assistive technology would help a student with a specific learning disability in the area of writing? a) speech-to-text software b) text-to-speech software c) a communication board d) a raised desk 74) A functional life skills teacher has a classroom with several elementary students with Down syndrome. He would like the students to have more opportunities to learn social and communication skills. What would be the best way to accomplish this? a) Provide the students with inclusion opportunities to interact with same-aged typical peers. b) Watch quick videos that model appropriate social interactions. c) Take the students on a community-based field trip and ask them to observe and identify instances of appropriate social interactions. d) Engage the students in roleplaying activities within the functional life skills classroom. 75) What is the primary purpose of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)? a) identify the purpose or reason that a student is demonstrating certain behaviors b) collect data to prepare for dismissal from special education services c) prevent placement in a more restrictive setting d) implement a plan of action to extinguish or replace certain behaviors 76) Which of the following behaviors is more often seen in girls with depression than in boys with depression? a) aggression b) irritability c) withdrawal d) fatigue 77) The state and the Local Education Agency (LEA) require all special education staff and designated administrators to participate in nonviolent crisis intervention training to provide for all of the following except: a) on-campus security b) a safe and orderly classroom and campus environment c) the safety and welfare of the staff d) the safety and welfare of the student 78) Which of the following behaviors may best be addressed through a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)? a) A student is leaving the classroom without permission and going to the playground. b) A student is calling out in class without raising his hand. c) A student has shown signs of depression due to a recent death of a relative. d) A student with an articulation disorder is difficult to understand. 79) Is the following statement true or false: If the student does not participate in the IEP committee meeting when transition services are discussed and considered, the committee does not have to consider the student's interests, preferences, and strengths. a) False, student preferences, interests, and strengths are critical to the design of the transition plan b) True, if the student misses the meeting, he gives up the ability to share his interests, preferences, and strengths c) False, the student must attend even though his interests are not an important part of the decision d) True, if the student misses the meeting, he can tell his special education teacher his requests 80) Which of the following strategies would be most effective for assimilating and training a student with a disability to be a product stocker at the school snack shop? a) Have another student work beside the student to mentor and model proper behavior. b) Train the student in a classroom setting before the student begins work. c) Have a list of tasks to be completed each day by the student. d) Have an in-depth training on the duties of the job and provide a list of tasks for the student to complete. 81) At what age is a child eligible to be evaluated for developmental delays that may qualify for special services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)? a) after age 2 b) after enrolling in school c) after age 3 d) from birth 82) Which of the following is not required to be consulted when developing a transition plan? a) the student b) current teachers c) a community representative d) the parents or guardians 83) When is a student required to be invited to his/her IEP team meeting? a) when the IEP team is developing a transition plan b) when the IEP team is conducting a manifestation determination c) when the IEP team is recommending a more restrictive setting d) when the IEP team is proposing a new goal 84) Which of the following skills would be most appropriate to practice with high school students with intellectual disabilities using mock scenarios? a) checking luggage at an airport b) making purchases using bills and coins c) exiting the building during a fire drill d) greeting teachers when entering school 85) Children who are eligible in the area of developmental delay have a significant delay (typically defined as 25% decrease in ability in comparison to same-aged peers) in two or more areas of development. Which of the following areas below is not an area in which a child may be identified as having a developmental delay? a) fine and gross motor skills b) academic skills c) cognitive skills d) social/emotional skills 86) A third-grade student with an intellectual disability struggles with written directions but responds well to auditory learning activities. Which of the following strategies can be used to support the student's learning style? a) use large print text b) use picture prompts instead of written directions c) use non-verbal prompts d) use songs to teach key facts 87) Which of the following classroom activities would be most difficult for a nine-year-old student who has a mild intellectual disability? a) following one-step directions b) doing math with manipulatives c) using an iPod for an activity d) figurative language writing prompt 88) After experiencing the tragic death of his father, Michael, a preschool student, does not verbally interact with his classmates or teacher. This is a characteristic of which of the following? a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder–ADHD b) Learning Disability–LD c) Speech Impairment–SI d) Visual Impairment–VI 89) Which of the following manipulatives are most appropriate for kindergarten students learning about two-dimensional shapes? a) geoboards b) fraction tiles c) attribute blocks d) geometric solids 90) A fifth-grade science lesson is preparing students for the required skill of comparing/contrasting information. Which of the following strategies would best provide practice for this skill? a) Deliver a lesson on various plants and have the students create a Venn diagram. b) Plan a lab to look at different plants under a microscope and document what the students see. c) After a microscope lesson viewing various plants, have students draw what they see. d) Take a field trip around school grounds to collect plants to later examine under classroom microscopes. 91) A second-grade student with an Individualized Education Program is working with a special education teacher on phonemic awareness. The student is consistently able to break down a word into separate sounds. Which of the following skills should the teacher plan to cover next with this student? a) phoneme manipulation b) phoneme blending c) phoneme isolation d) phoneme segmentation 92) A special education student's IEP contains the following accommodation: During the writing process, the student will organize information using a graphic organizer. At which stage of the writing process does this goal apply? a) drafting b) prewriting c) publishing d) editing 93) When helping students learn to identify and use the slope-intercept form, all of the following strategies are appropriate except: a) singing the quadratic formula to establish the y-intercept b) using "PEMDAS" to algebraically rewrite an equation into slope-intercept form c) using the Pythagorean theorem to find the slope of an equation d) using "rise over run" to calculate the slope of a line graphed on a coordinate plane

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