matter - anything that has mass and takes up space, solution - mixture where one substance dissolves into another, sifting - using a strainer to separate solid particles of different sizes, melting - the change from a solid to a liquid, freezing - the change from a liquid to a solid, mixture - matter made up of two or more substancess that are not combined chemically, volume - the amount of space something takes up, evaporation - the change from a liquid to a gas, condensation - the change from a gas to a liquid, temperature - a measure of how warm something is, state of matter - the different forms in which matter can be found, flotation - way to separate a mixture that has a solid that floats, physical change - when matter changes its physical properties but no new substance is formed, chemical change - a change in which a new substance is formed, physical property - a characteristic that can be observed or measured, mass - the amount of matter in an object,

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