1) Fasting was obligated in what year after hijrah? a) 1 b) 2 c) 7 d) 6 2) How many Ramadans did the Prophet ﷺ fast? a) 10 b) 1 c) 9 d) 20 3) It is sunnah to hasten to break you fast. a) True b) False 4) The sunnah is to break your fast with a) Dates b) Bread c) Next best is water d) Rice 5) If you get your period one hour before maghreb, you have to make up that day a) True b) Flase 6) If your period ends before fajr, but couldn’t make ghusl yet, a) You intend to fast that day and make ghusl later to pray b) You do not fast c) You make ghusl right away or else your fast doesn’t count 7) If you eat and you forgot you were fasting a) it does not nullify your fast b) it nullifies your fast 8) If you are traveling and there is no hardship in the travel, fasting is  a) better b) permissible but not fasting is better c) it’s haram to fast 9) If you are sick and fasting would cause difficulty even though it won’t harm you recovery, then fasting is a) haram b) permissible mubaah c) mutahhab preferred d) disliked makrooh 10) How do you know that fasting is harmful and haram when you’re sick a) if fasting feels good b) if fasting makes the sickness works or delays recovery c) If fasting makes you tired d) fasting even when you are sick is always better 11) The final goal of fasting is to  a) lose weight b) to achieve taqwa c) to finish the Quran d) to feel how the poor feel 12) One of the fruits of taqwa in this life is a) You’ll never feel any pain b) Ease out of adversity c) Finish memorizing the Quran d) Always be physically healthy




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