In 1976, the Argentine military ____ the government of Isabel Perón, the widow of populist president Juan Perón. It was part of a larger series of political ____ called Operation Condor, a ____ sponsored and ____ by the United States. The military dictatorship that resulted called itself the “Process of National Reorganization,” or “Proceso,” and ____ its activities the Dirty War. But the war wasn’t with outside forces: It was with the Argentinian people. The war ____ in a period of state-sponsored period of torture and terrorism. The junta turned against Argentina’s citizens, ____ political dissidents and people it suspected of being aligned with leftist, socialist or social justice causes and incarcerating, torturing and murdering them. The Dirty War was fought on a number of fronts. The junta dubbed ____ activists “terrorists” and kidnapped and killed an estimated 30,000 people. “Victims died during torture, were machine-gunned at the edge of enormous pits, or were thrown, drugged, from airplanes into the sea,” explains Marguerite Feitlowitz. “Those individuals came to be known as “the ____,” or desaparecidos.”

Argentine History: The Coup of 1976


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