arid - hot and dry, balmy - mild and refreshing, bittersweet (taste) - both bitter and sweet to the taste, raven (color) - glossy black, gaseous - not solid or liquid, sapphire - blue, odorous - having an oder, rancid - having a nasty smell as in decomposing, fiery (taste) - intense heat, thunderous - very loud, blanched (color) - made white, bleached, vibrant - with energy, bittersweet (feeling) - both pleasant and painful, acrid - bitter smell, fragrant - having a pleasent scent, acidic (taste) - sharp tasting or sour, coral (color) - pinkish yellow, insipid - bland, hushed (sound) - deliberatly quiet, drab - dull, lacking in cheer, charcoal (color) - shade of black, angular (sight) - bony, lean or gaunt, regal - relating to a king, ramshackle - loosely made or held together, shakey, opaque (color) - not transparent, doesn't let light through, murky - dark, gloomy, unclear, crinkled - wrinkled or bent, bloodless (color) - very pale, beefy (sight) - thick, heavy, tepid - lukewarm, lack of enthusiasm,

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