Speak about something that is a bit of a challenge for you., Tell about some skill you're useless at, but enjoy doing anyway., What projects are you working on this month?, How often do you go over your notes or study materials?, What skill are you currently trying to develop your technique in?, What new activity are you currently trying your hand at?, Is there anything you always do before you go to bed?, How do you usually unwind after a long day at work?, Are you currently trying any new foods or recipes?, Do you have any daily rituals or habits that help you stay motivated?, What is the strangest fact you know?, What is something you should do every day but don’t?, What do you think your best friend is doing right now?, What are you doing this year to improve yourself?, What's the most ridiculous trend you've seen on social media recently?, What book are you currently reading and how is it?, Are you currently trying out any new gadgets or apps, and how are they working for you?, What is your ideal working day? Describe it..

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