shéi - who - 谁, māma - mom - 妈妈, ài - to love - 爱, bàba - dad, father - 爸爸, dìdi -younger brother - 弟弟, jiějie- older sister - 姐姐, mèimei -younger sister - 妹妹, jiā - family, home - 家, yǒu - to have, there is/are - 有, kǒu - mouth; measure word for number of the family members - 口, hé - and - 和, méi yǒu -- don't have, there is not - 没有, zhī -a measure word for animals - 只, gǒu - dog - 狗, māo - cat - 猫, xiōng - fierce, ferocious - 凶, kě ài - cute - 可爱, zhè - this - 这, zuò - to do, to make - 做, shénme -what - 什么, gōngzuò - work/job; to work - 工作, yī shēng - doctor - 医生, hùshi - nurse - 护士, dàxuéshēng - college student - 大学生, zhōng xué shēng -secondary school student(s) - 中学生, duìle - by the way - 对了, niǎo - bird - 鸟, pàng - fat - 胖, tā-it (animal ) - 牠, xǐ huān - to like - 喜欢, xiōng dì jiě mèi-siblings - 兄弟姐妹, chǒng wù -pet  - 宠物, gāo zhōng shēng - high school student - 高中生, xiǎo xué shēng - elementary school student - 小学生,

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