positive - believe that good, patient - able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when things take a lot of time, hard-working - putting a lot of effort into your work and spending a lot of time on it, reliable - can be trusted to do what people expect you to do, confident - feeling sure about yourself and your abilities, lazy - not putting a lot of effort into your work and spending a lot of time on it, shy - not confident, especially about meeting or talking to new people, negative - not believe that good things will happen, good sense of humour - the ability to laugh and understand when something is funny, unreliable - can't be trusted to do what people expect you to do, honest - tells the truth, clever - able to learn and understand things quickly], nervous - not relaxed and worried or frightened, generous - happy to give more money or help than is usual, intelligent - clever, stupid - not able to learn and understand things quickly], impatient - not able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when things take a lot of time, mean - not happy to give more money or help than is usual, kind - someone who wants to help people a lot,, unfriendly - who is not happy to talk to peopl, dishonest - doesn't tell the truth, serious - a serious person is quiet and doesn’t laugh very much, unkind - doesn't want to help people a lot, anxious - not relaxed and worried or frightened, talent - has a natural ability, unpleasant - not nice, creative - good at thinking of new ideas, silly - not sensible, a bit stupid, sensible - practical; doesn’t do stupid things, trust - be sure that she is honest,

Describing Character. Vocabulary in use, pre-intermediate


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