Would you rather work for a small or a big company? Why?, Would you prefer to work in another city/country if you were given a relocation package?, What is your dream job?, Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?, Tell about your best work experience., Would you prefer to have a fixed schedule or work flexitime? WHy?, Do you prefer working in a team or working on your own? in the office or at home?, Would you rather earn little money at a job you love, or earn a lot of money at a job you hate?, Tell about your worst work experience. , Would you rather work more hours per day, but fewer days or work fewer hours per day, but more days a week?, Would you prefer to have 4 working days but 9 am to 9pm or 5 working days 9am to 5pm?, Would you rather work for the same company all your life or change jobs every year?, Would you rather lose a job if your boss was your ex?, Imagine : your co-worker broke up with you, would you rather leave this job?, If your company wasn't giving you promotion for more than 10 years, would you prefer to keep working there?.


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