“Don’t worry,” Dad said, “If you don’t like them, we ... (MAKE) the walls any colour you like.” - MAKE - WILLMAKE, “If the box was mine, I ... (ALLOW) you to touch it whenever you wanted,” I answered. Alison said nothing to that. - ALLOW - WOULDALLOW, “I’d be very happy if I ... (LIVE) here,” Kim’s friend, Jessica, said when she visited her for the first time. - LIVE - LIVED, “If the weather is fine, we... (GO) on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table. - GO - WILLGO, He says if you light the lamp and make a wish, the wish ... (COME) true. It works particularly well with reasonable wishes that are not too big for the lamp. Its magic is not very strong.” - COME - WILLCOME, Since that time, the building has been rebuilt and renovated several times. Now it looks beautiful from the inside and outside. If I ... (HAVE) the opportunity to go there more often, I would do it every week. - HAVE - HAD, “Ok. I... (BRING) you the bear if you want”, said Dad. “And we’ll also see the film about him as soon as I come back. Agreed?”“Sure.” I was delighted with his plan. - BRING - WILLBRING, But now climbing was out - Jenny was determined to stick to her promise. “If I break my promise, mum ... (GET) upset. And I don’t want her to feel like this.” - GET - WILLGET, When your classes ... (BE) over, I’ll pick you up, ok?” - BE - ARE,

Conditionals I, II (FIPI. 20-28) 2


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