1) Which one is Piaget's Formal Operation stage? a) Abstract Thinking b) Adaptive thinking c) Complex thinking d) Symbolic thinking 2) What age is 'paired reading activities appropriate for? a) 2-4 years b) 4-7 years c) 7-11 years 3) What is a peer relationship? a) people who are friends  b) people of a similar age c) people of a similar level of education  d) people with a similar upbringing 4) How does circle time support language development for 2-4 years olds? a) children will listen to each other and promotes active listening b) develops their stamina to sit for long periods c) provides a space to be silly 5) What are two social and emotional skills a child should have between the age of 3 and 4 years old. a) Speak to familiar and unfamiliar people freely b) Know the difference between right and wrong c) Share and take turns 6) How does talking to children about past events support the development of memory in children aged 3? a) It makes them happy b) Keeps them busy c) It encourages the child to recall details about what’s happened 7) How does ‘tummy time’ support babies’ physical development? a) Help babies to strengthen their back, neck and arm muscles b) Develops core strength c) It provides an opportunity for babies to exercise 8) How does a baby gym support the development of a babies’ muscles? a) The babies will be able to use their who body to get a full workout b) It develops the babies’ interests c) Supports the development of muscles in the babies’ arms and legs as well as encourage fine motor movement in their hands 9) ‘Strange Situation’ is a theory by who? a) Shaffer and Emerson b) Harlow c) Ainsworth d) Bowlby 10) ‘Maternal Deprivation’ is a theory by who? a) Harlow b) Bowlby c) Ainsworth d) Shaffer and Emerson 11) ‘Stages of Attachment’ is a theory by who? a) Bowlby b) Ainsworth c) Harlow d) Shaffer and Emerson 12) ‘Contact Comfort Theory’ was developed by who? a) Ainsworth b) Harlow c) Shaffer and Emerson d) Bowlby 13) Which one of the following describes a child’s ability to manage their behaviour and control impulse? a) Self-reliability b) Self-regulation c) Self-resilience d) Self-reflection 14) According to psychologists which three elements that inform children’s self-concept? a) Self-style, self-worth, self-image b) Self-image, self-esteem, ideal self c) Ideal self, Satisfaction, self-esteem 15) Identify one way that practitioners can support the development of positive self-concept in children. a) Provide children with opportunities for success b) Always tell they children they are correct c) Reinforce negative attitudes 16) Which statement is an example of non-verbal communication? a) Always use positive language b) Avoid using gestures to decrease confusion c) Use positive facial expressions such as smiling 17) What is the effect puberty can have on males? a) Decreased strength b) Decreased hormones c) Mood swings 18) Mia attends nursery but does not like to share with the other children, her emotional development is typica for her age, what age do you think she is? a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years  19) Which one of the following only provides post-16 education? a) Foundation Schools b) Free Schools c) Private Schools d) School Sixth forms 20) In which year was education made compulsory for children aged 5 – 10 years? a) 1680 b) 1780 c) 1880 d) 1980 21) 'Communication and language' is known as what in the EYFS? a) Milestones b) Development norms c) Prime Areas 22) What behaviourist carried out an experiment on ‘Little albert’? a) Pavlov b) Watson c) Thorndike d) Skinner 23) Which one of the following is characteristic of an authoritative parenting style? a) Unresponsive with high expectations, rules and discipline b) Unresponsive with no expectations, rules or discipline c) Responsive with high expectations, rules and discipline d) Responsive with no expectations, rules or discipline 24) One way a practitioner could support parents or carers who have barriers to communication due to English being a second language? a) Speak very loudly b) Access a translation service c) Write instructions on a piece of paper 25) Which one of the following is the definition of positive approaches? a) Avoiding a negative consequence for behaving in a desirable way b) Avoiding a negative consequence for behaving in an undesirable way c) Gaining a positive consequence for behaving in a desirable way d) Gaining a positive consequence for behaving in an undesirable way 26) Which one of the following professionals works mainly with children from birth to under 5 years-old? a) Health Visitor b) Occupational therapist c) School Nurse d) Speech therapist 27) Which one of the following services carry out Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessments? a) Special Educational Needs evaluation team b) Special Educational Needs implementation team c) Special Educational Needs planning team d) Special Educational Needs review team 28) Which one of these is a characteristic of the permissive parenting style? a) Strict expectations b) Strict Boundaries c) Minimal parental control d) Unresponsive 29) What is one way in which working collaboratively improves practitioner referrals. a) Increases the risk of errors b) Decreases the risk of errors c) Referral information is uninformative d) D: Inappropriate referrals 30) Which one of the following describes summative assessment? a) Is at the end of a study programme b) Shows the amount of daily progress c) Takes place at the start of a course d) Usually takes place each week 31) Which one of the following is a teacher’s responsibility when assessing primary school children? a) Completing the EYFS progress check b) Diagnosing individual children’s health conditions c) Monitoring children’s attainment d) Signing off end of key stage statutory assessments 32) How does formative assessment support the progress and attainment of primary school children? a) Sums up their learning b) Identifies if developing typically c) It is a statutory test to evaluate learning 33) How many stages are there in Kolbs ‘experiential learning cycle’? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 34) Which one of the following age ranges is covered by the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice 2015? a) 0-7 years b) 0-16 years c) 0-18 years d) 0-25 years 35) Which Acts protects 9 characteristics against discrimination? a) Equal Rights Act, 2012 b) Equality Act, 2012 c) Equality Act, 2010 d) D: Equal Rights Act, 2010 36) What barriers can affect a young person’s participation in education? a) Mental health b) Family background c) Socio-economic factors d) D: All of the above 37) At which one of the following ages can an individual request their own EHC needs assessment? a) 7 years b) 11 years c) 14 years d) 16 years 38) How many stages are there in additional language acquisition? a) Four b) Five c) Six d) Seven

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