Leonardo Da Vinci - Known as a true Renaissance man, one of the most prolific inventors in history painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, Indulgences - Churches used to sell forgiveness through these, Six - King Henry VIII had this many wives, Martin Luther - Posted 95 Theses and started Protestant Reformation, Medici - Powerful banking family , Gutenberg - Invented the printing press, Michelangelo - Artist, architect, and sculptor famous for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel, Shakespeare - He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, Italy - Where the Renaissance began , patron - financial supporter; sponsored artist for his work, Machiavelli - Wrote the book  "The Prince", Bible - First book to be copied using the printing press, Humanism - idea that people can do great things, rebirth - Renaissance is a French word, meaning __________,



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