1) Known as a true Renaissance man, one of the most prolific inventors in history painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper a) Leonardo Da Vinci b) Michelangelo c) Gutenberg d) Martin Luther 2) Churches used to sell forgiveness through these a) patrons b) buboes c) Indulgences d) trenchers 3) King Henry VIII had this many wives a) 3 b) 6 c) 1 d) 2 4) Posted 95 Theses and started Protestant Reformation a) Martin Luther b) Shakespeare c) Leonardo Da Vinci d) Machiavelli 5) Powerful banking family a) Jonas Brothers b) Kardashian c) Medici d) Machiavelli 6) Invented the printing press a) Gutenberg b) Martin Luther c) Hammurabi d) Leonardo Da Vinci 7) Artist, architect, and sculptor famous for his paintings in the Sistine Chapel a) King Henry VIII b) Michelangelo c) Julius Caesar d) Donatello 8) He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Shakespeare c) Jeff Kinney d) Rick Riordan 9) Where the Renaissance began a) Italy b) Greece c) France d) England 10) financial supporter; sponsored artists a) monk b) knight c) serf d) patron 11) Wrote the book  "The Prince" a) Gutenberg b) Leonardo Da Vinci c) Machiavelli d) Martin Luther 12) First book to be copied using the printing press a) Goodnight Moon b) Bible c) Iliad and Odyssey d) Harry Potter 13) idea that people can do great things a) humanism b) anarchy c) Taoism d) hubris 14) Renaissance is a French word, meaning __________ a) recycle b) reincarnation c) rebirth d) indulgences




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