1) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Dalet b) Zayin c) Chet d) Resh e) Hey f) Vav 2) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Ayin b) Mem c) Tet d) Koof e) Shin f) Sin 3) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Sin b) Shin c) Aleph d) Lamed e) Ayin f) Koof 4) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Tet b) Mem c) Ayin d) Shin e) Sin f) Aleph 5) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Lamed b) Shin c) Sin d) Resh e) Samech f) Koof 6) What is the name of the Hebrew letter? a) Dalet b) Chaf c) Chet d) Resh e) Yud f) Vav 7) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ah b) EE c) Oh d) Oo e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh 8) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ah b) EE c) Ay d) Oo e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh 9) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ah b) EE c) Oh d) AY e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh 10) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ah b) Ay c) Oh d) Oo e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh 11) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ay b) EE c) Oh d) Oo e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh 12) What is the sound of the Hebrew vowel? a) Ah b) EE c) Oh d) Oo e) Ih or No Sound f) Eh

Aleph Bet Hebrew letters & vowels Quiz


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