1. ______ (do) anything interesting last weekend?, 2. _____________(do) something dangerous?, 3. How old were you when you______________ (learn) to ride a bike? Who ____(teach) you?, 4. ____(ride) a horse or other animal?, 5. What _________you ( like) about your previous school/job?, 6 How long _________(study)English? Why ________ (decide) to study English?, 7. Which countries ______(visit) last year? Which ______( like) the most and why?, 8. ____________(meet) anyone famous?, 9. _________(have) a hero when you were younger?, 10. What is the most unusual food you _________(eat)?, 11. What ________( eat) for breakfast?, 12. ___________( like) reading when you were a kid?, 13. What’s the most interesting movie you ____________(see)?, 14. When__________you (eat ) dinner yesterday? What _________( eat)?, 15._____________you (break) a bone? How _______ it (happen)?, 16. What didn’t you like to do when you were younger? Why?.

Roadmap B1 Unit 3A Catching up


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