1) What is Makas Dum? a) All the Mitzriyim became dumb. b) The Mitzriyim's pet froggies (or Esti's pet froggy) became dumb c) All the tomatoes became bloody. d) All the liquids became dumb. e) All the liquids became blood f) All the pizzas became froggy. 2) What died? a) Esti's pet froggy. b) The pizza (in those days they didnt know the difference between blood and tomato sauce) c) The Dagim d) The Dogim 3) What stunk? a) The frogs. b) Esti's pet frog (Esti didn't like to was her pet frog.) c) The Nile d) The fish e) Moldy pizza 4) How did Moshe and Aharon make the rivers blood? a) By stretching his hand over his eyes. b) By looking up and Davening. c) By throwing Esti's pet frog into the Nile. d) By stretching his staff over the Nile. e) By swaying back and forth, and falling into the Nile. f) Spilling tomato sauce in the Nile. 5) Who made blood as well? a) Nochum Ish Gamzu b) Esti's pet frog. c) The magicians. d) The Charmutim.



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