1) Sopa a) Vegetables b) He wants her to make a sandwich c) Soup d) A glass of... 2) Verduras a) A bowl of... b) Vegetables c) Soup d) A glass of... 3) Un plato de... a) He wants her to make a sandwich b) A plate of... c) A cup of... d) A box of... 4) Un bol de... a) A box of... b) Good c) Quickly d) A bowl of... 5) Una caja de... a) Vegetables b) A box of... c) Slowly d) Soup 6) Una taza de... a) Bad b) A cup of... c) A bowl of... d) A plate of... 7) Un vaso de... a) A glass of... b) Bad c) A box of... d) Slowly 8) El quiere que ella haga un bocadillo a) Slowly b) Bad c) A box of... d) He wants her to make a sandwich 9) The most quickly a) A plate of... b) Good c) A glass of... d) Quickly 10) The most slowly a) A box of... b) He wants her to make a sandwich c) Quickly d) Slowly 11) The best a) A box of... b) Slowly c) Good d) A plate of... 12) The worst a) Bad b) Quickly c) A cup of... d) He wants her to make a sandwich

UNIT 7 AND 8 Kids Box 4 Gameshow Quiz


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