1) How many holes in a Polo? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 2) Can a Match box? a) Yes b) No c) No, but a Tin can d) Yes, one beat Mike Tyson 3) .sdrawkcab noitseuq siht rewsnA a) K.O b) What? c) I don't understand d) Tennis elbow 4) Click the answer a) OUT OF ORDER. b) OUT OF ORDER, c) OUT OF ORDER' d) OUT OF ORDER‘ e) The answer 5) The answer is really big a) b) Really big c) d) An Elephant 6) What was the answer to Question 2? a) That one! → b) ↙That one  c) ↑That one d) This one 7) Choose food a) b) c) d) e) 8) What follows December 2nd? a) December 3rd b) n c) A Question mark d) 142 Dwarves 9) What sound does a bell make? a) Whoop b) F'Taang c) Froon d) Blip-Blop-Bloop-Banga-Olanga-Woof, Nubby-Frrph 120,000 eckleck-ooo-looo-a-scap-babble-de booble wop. 10) What can you put in a bucket to make it lighter? a) Gypsies b) Torch c) A hole d) Canned Laughter 11) What is the 7th letter of the Alphabet? a) G b) h c) i d) j 12) Stop... a) b) c) d) 13) Deal or no deal? a) DEAL! b) NO DEAL! c) SEAL! d) NO SEAL! 14) The choice is yours a) +1 Life b) -1 Life c) ESCAPE!! d) +1 Skip 15) Save changes to ‘UNTILTED’? a) Yes b) No c) Cancel d) Bran 16) How do you kill a Werewolf? a) Shoe polish b) Gravy granules c) Black pudding d) Cillit bang 17) Which of these place names doesn't exist? a) Germansweek b) B!tchfield c) Arsefacey d) Blubberhouses e) Brown Willy f) Budd's Titson Twatt 18) Answer this correctly 1+2=? a) 3 b) 5 c) 1 19) Hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers! (Cheaters are losers) a) Go to 14 b) Go to 19 c) Go to 17 d) Go to 21 e) Go to 22 20) What flavor is cardboard? a) Honey b) Pork scratchings c) Egg mayonnaise d) Talc 21) What are the main ingredients of shampoo? a) Cricket crap b) Babycham and Human faeces c) Rocks and sausages d) Cats and whelks 22) What do you call a wingless fly? a) A flap b) A walk c) A plum d) Jason 23) Mary Rose sat on a pin. a) O rly? b) Mary Rose c) Burst her piles d) AHAHAHAAHA!

The impossible quiz (26 Questions)


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