tight-fisted - not willing to spend or give much money, self-centred - too interested in yourself and not caring about the needs or feelings of other people, easy-going - friendly, laid-back - too relaxed, not seeming to be worried about anything, bad-tempered - easily gets angry, irritable, good-tempered - pleasant and not easily annoyed or upset, two-faced - not sincere, being good to you and saying unpleasant things about you to others, strong-willed - very determined to do something even if other people say it should not be done, narrow-minded - unwilling to accept or try to understand ideas that are new or different, open-minded - receptive to new and different ideas or opinions, absent-minded - tending to forget things, not thinking about what is around you, bossy - keep telling people what to do, sincere - says what he believes, doesn't lie, reserved - keeps his ideas and thoughts to himself, reliable - able to be trusted or believed, self-confident - feels good about himself, persuasive - good at influencing people, cautious - doesn't take risks, old-fashioned - behaves and thinks in a way that isn't modern, ambitious - has a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich, cooperative - works well in team,

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