reliable  - Beth is so _____. When she says she'll do something, she'll do it!, caring - My sister is so kind and _______She always helps other people., honest - I'm going to ask Laura for advice. She always tells the truth. She's really ________, patient - As a teacher, you need to be ______. Some people learn more slowly than others and ...., sensitive - ..can be quite learn more slowly than others and can be quite ______, lazy - I'm seeing Paul tomorrow and I hope he's finished his part of the project. He can be so ________sometimes!, shy - I get really nervous when I have to speak in front of people. I'm so _____, confident - .... I wish I was more _________!, hard-working - You have to be ambitious and _____ to do well at work. You should set clear goals and think about how you're going to reach them., organized  - Running your own company means that you need to be ____ There's a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it., creative - 9 One of the hardest things about being a writer is being _____ It isn't always easy to think of new ideas.,

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