1) I am wearing _____________ a) a blue skirt b) a blue dress c) a green dress d) a blue shirt 2) I am wearing _________ . a) a blue shirt b) a white skirt c) a white shirt d) a white dress 3) I am wearing _________ a) a wool hat and a scarf b) a cap and sunglasses c) a black hat and a scarf d) a wool hat and boots 4) I am wearing ________ a) a wool hat, a warm orange coat, trousers, boots and a scarf b) a cap, a T-shirt, sandals and a scarf c) a wool hat and mittens d) a dress, a cardigan and shoes 5) I am wearing ___________ a) yellow trousers, a blue shirt b) yellow shorts, a blue hoodie and white trainers c) red shorts and yellow t-shirt d) a blue hoodie and blue trousers 6) I am wearing _________ a) a yellow and blue wool hat and red mittens b) a green cap and a green scarf c) a red warm coat and warm trousers d) a white hoodie and jeans 7) I am wearing ___________ a) a warm red coat and boots b) a red cap, a white and red T-shirt, jeans and trainers c) a cap , a hoodie, jeans and trainers d) a blue shirt, trousers, red trainers 8) I am wearing ____________ . a) a red cap and a red scarf b) a red wool hat and red mittens c) a red coat and red mittens d) a red hat and red scarf

What are you wearing? - I am wearing... Liz is wearing..... I'm not wearing...


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