disappear - If people or things ______, they go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found, altogether - in total, continent - one of the seven large land masses on the earth's surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries, dominant - more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type, population - all the people living in a particular country, area, or place, predict - to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience, recovery - he process of becoming well again after an illness or injury, communicate - to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals, inhabitant - a person or animal that lives in a particular place, tribe - a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities, isolated - not near to other places,

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