1) What is the purpose of copyright law? a) To protect the interests of copyright holders b) To provide a public domain for all works c) To ensure creators are properly credited d) To allow the free sharing of ideas 2) Who owns the copyright to a work? a) The author or creator of the work b) The publisher of the work c) The government d) The person who purchased the work 3) What is the duration of copyright protection in the US? a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 15 years d) The life of the author plus 70 years 4) What rights are granted to the copyright holder? a) The right to reproduce, distribute, and perform the work b) The right to modify and create derivative works c) The right to profit from the work d) The right to control the distribution of the work 5) What type of works are eligible for copyright protection? a) Literary, musical, and dramatic works b) Paintings, sculptures, and photographs c) Software, websites, and databases d) All of the above 6) What is not required for copyright protection? a) Registration with the US Copyright Office b) Displaying a notice of copyright c) Payment of a fee d) The author's name 7) What is fair use?  a) The ability to use copyrighted material without permission b) The use of copyrighted material for educational purposes c) The use of copyrighted material for personal use d) All of the above 8) What is the penalty for copyright infringement? a) Fines b) Imprisonment c) Both a and b d) None of the above 9) What type of works cannot be copyrighted? a) Ideas b) Facts c) Titles d) All of the above 10) Under what conditions can one use copyrighted material? a) If the material is in the public domain b) If the material is used for educational purposes c) If the material is used for personal use d) All of the above

Session 21: Copyright and Other Constraints


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