Correct: Purchasing produce in the off-season is more expensive, DO NOT wash vegetables until you are ready to use them., Protect nutrients, use as little water as possible when cooking vegetables, Vegetables are full of fiber, Pierce potato skin before microwaving, Vegetables have a savory flavor, Vegetables can be mild or strong, A healthy orange vegetable is carrots, This is an acorn squash, Cucumbers are used to make pickles, This vegetable is served with Corned Beef on Saint Patrick's Day, Vegetables come fresh, frozen, canned, dried and in juice, Incorrect: Purchasing produce at peak is more expensive, WASH vegetables as soon as you get home, a la king means the vegetables are served with rice, Vegetables have a sweet flavor, This is culiflower, This is a radish , Corn is actually a fruit, This is swiss chard, Onions contain no nutrients, A healthy way to prepare vegetables is to deep fry them, French Fries are an excellent source of nutrients,




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