1) To chase a) eleve b) chasse c) plie d) grande 2) To rise from a demi plie a) releve b) eleve c) tendue d) passe 3) What is the definition of Tendue? a) to bend b) to chase c) to stretch d) to jump 4) To pass a) tendue b) chasse c) passe d) plie 5) What is the definition of Eleve? a) to jump b) to rise c) to disengage d) to rise from a demi plie 6) To bend a) tendue b) plie c) passe d) chasse 7) large a) passe b) grande c) tendue d) eleve 8) To jump a) chasse b) plie c) passe d) saute 9) The longest line a) chasse b) eleve c) plie d) arabesque 10) To disengage a) degage b) releve c) demi d) tendue 11) small; half a) semi b) demi c) chasse d) degage 12) A circular movement of the leg a) ronds de jombe  b) demi c) tombe d) degage 13) To fall a) tendue b) saute c) tombe d) rounds duh zjahmb  14) What is the definition of adagio a) change b) to chase c) slow  d) fast 15) Fast? a) adagio b) Allegro c) arabesque d) changement 16) to change a) degage b) battement c) changement d) arabesque 17) What is the definition of battement? a) on the ground b) beating or movement of the leg c) to disengage d) fast or quick 18) Corps is? a) to assemble b) on the ground c) body d) to disengage 19) Fondu is? a) to melt b) body c) to fall d) to stretch 20) The carriage of the arms: a) releve b) tombe c) fondue d) port de bras 21) A terre translates to? a) on the ground b) in the air c) to stretch d) the carriage of the arms 22) Croise translates to? a) stretch b) bend c) crossed d) to assemble 23) What word translates to "in the shape of a cross"? a) retire b) crossed c) en croix d) pas de bourree 24) What word translates to in the air? a) a terre b) en l'air c) port de bras d) pas de bourree 25) Pas de bourree translates to? a) a movement done in three steps b) a movement done in four steps c) on the ground d) crossed 26) What is the definition of glissade? a) to stretch b) to glide c) a movement done in three steps d) withdrawn 27) Which word means withdrawn? a) plie b) glissade c) retire d) fondue 28) What is the definition of en face? a) slow b) to assemble c) facing the audience d) fast 29) Which word means the unfolding of the leg in the air? a) assemble b) developpe c) arabesque 30) What does assemble mean? a) to melt b) the carriage of the arms c) on the ground d) to assemble

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