1) India is seperated from other countries in Aisa by the _______. a) Ganges b) Himalayas c) Indus River Valley d) Indus River 2) The Himalayas is the ______ mountain range in the world. a) Highest b) Widest c) Lowest d) only 3) Indus River Valley gets its name and rich soil from the ______ a) Ganges River b) Citadels c) Copper d) Indus River 4) The _______ and the ________ created fertile land for farming and became the sites of major citys. a) Copper and lumber b) Harappa and Mohenjo Daro c) Indus river and Ganges River d) Mesopotaimia and Sumer 5) Two citys in the Indus River Valley are _______ and ______. a) Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro b) Indus and Ganges c) Mesopotaimia and Sumer d) Copper and lumber 6) A ______ is a fortress that overlooks the city. a) Untouchable b) Harappa c) Citadel d) Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro 7) _______ and _____ were the main exports. a) Grass and leaves b) NIckel and gold c) Iron and silver d) copper and lumber 8) Around1500 BC, ______ moved and settled into Indus Valley and Ganges Valley. a) Assyrians b) Sumerians c) Aryans d) Akkadians 9) The system of writing in the Idus Valley was called _______ a) Sanskrit b) The caste system c) Sumer d) Himduism 10) ______,an Ancient relation of Sanskrit, is still spoken in Southern India today. a) Dravidian b) Sanskrit c) Buddism d) Hinduism 11) The indian culture wa sorganized by a ______ ________ called ________. a) Buddism called caste b) Caste system called Varnas  c) Caste system called dravidian d) caste system called sanskrit 12) _________ _______ is a social structure in which classes are determined by birthright. a) Dravidian b) Sumer c) Hinduism d) Caste System 13) A _______ is the highest Caste ; they performed religious services. a) Sumer b) Brahman c) Buddist d) Hinduist 14) ________ were at the bottom of the caste system. People considered them so impure their only work could be burying bodies or collecting trash. a) Akkadian b) Sumer c) Untouchable d) Mummy 15) Two major religions originated in India: _______ and ________. a) christian and buddism b) Hinduism and Cristian c) Cristian and Jewish d) Hinduism and Buddism 16) _______ has 1 spiritual power that lives in everything, but also many gods and goddess. a) Hinduism b) Buddism c) Christian d) Jewish 17) The creator. a) Brahma b) Siddharta c) KIng Tut d) Zeus 18) The preserver. a) zeus b) Vishnu c) King tut d) Siddharta 19) The Destroyer a) Vishnu b) Brahma c) Shiva d) Siddharta 20) __________ -the beleif that after death, the soul returns to Earth in another body or form. a) Polytheism b) Theocracy c) Mummy d) Reincarnation 21) _____- behavior or intention that brings about a result according to that behavior, either in a person's current life or the next. a) Polytheism b) Reincarnation c) Mummifacation d) Karma 22) The _____ ____ teaches that we must wise so that we may reach Nirvana- everlasting peace where the self ends and reunites with the Great World Soul a) Buddism b) Eightfold Path c) Reincarnation d) Nirvana

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