Self-Determination - The right of people to govern themselves, Devolution - Power shifts from Central Government to Regional Authorities, Berlin Conference (1884) - European Powers defined boundaries in Africa, Treat of Versailles (1920) - End of WWI. Redrew boundaries in Europe and Southwest Asia, Establishment of Israel (1948) - Causes conflict with Arabs (Palestinians), Decolonization & Independence Movements - African, Asian, Latin American nations pushing for independence from colonial rule, Fall of Soviet Union (1991) - End of Communism; Eastern European Countries gain independence, Imperialism - Larger idea of creating an empire by exerting force to control other nations often from afar, Colonialism - The actual practice of claiming territories and settling there to exert economic and social control, Ethnocentrism - the attitude that one's own group, ethnicity, or nationality is superior to others, Partition of India 1947 - Lines drawn by the British, divided India and Pakistan, Centrifugal forces - Causes a country to fall apart, Balkanization - When a state breaks up because of ethnic conflicts in the state, Break up of Yugoslavia (1991 - 1992) - It broke up into what became 7 different countries along national/ethnic lines,

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