Achievements - success; accomplishment; something done well, Earned - gained as the result of effort, Plans - A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something, Business - an occupation, profession, or trade, Feedback - The receiver's response to a message, Science - Studying and testing our natural world, Compare - to put things together to see how they are the same, Grades - These are ratings that tell to what extent the standards are met., Self-Assessment - an evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses, Competency - the ability to do something successfully or efficiently, Jobs - work done for pay, skills - activities that you do well, Computers - an electronic device that stores and processes large amounts of information and is able to perform complicated mathematical tasks, Knowledge - Skills, experience, and expertise coupled with information and intelligence that creates a person's intellectual resources, Contrast - To consider one or more things and find how they are different, Goals - What you want to achieve, and you make plans towards,


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