When the voice came over the lift's intercom at 4 p.m. on Sunday, White ____ on the floor, half asleep. He was extremely cold because he ____ a jacket. When he heard the voice he ____ to his feet. Finally he was free! Almost.... First, the guard ____ him lots of security questions, 'Where do you work? Which is your office?' The 'interview' lasted a very long time. Then, slowly, the door ____. So, what ____ first? He ____ the lift up to the 43rd floor to get his jacket from his office. When he arrived at his desk, an angry note from a work colleague ____ for him. It said, 'Why ____ home? We had so much work to do!' Of course, she ____ very guilty when she found out the truth!

Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2


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